Training Yoga For Pregnancy Women - تدريب اليوجا للحوامل
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A program for pregnant women to train in yoga, where there are many exercises that help pregnant women to relax and exercise so that they become more active and energetic Where there are 10 or more exercises for pregnant women to exercise, and between each exercise there is a period of rest that can relax and start new exercises. There is a page to save the exercises you like and you can repeat them whenever you want You can set the alarm, set the rest period and the level of difficulty of the e
Descrição do Produto
- A program for pregnant women to train in yoga, where there are many exercises that help pregnant women to relax and exercise so that they become more active and energetic
- Where there are 10 or more exercises for pregnant women to exercise, and between each exercise there is a period of rest that can relax and start new exercises.
- There is a page to save the exercises you like and you can repeat them whenever you want
- You can set the alarm, set the rest period and the level of difficulty of the exercises
- I hope you like this yoga training program for pregnant women and get your satisfaction and love
- برنامج للنساء الحوامل للتدريب على رياضه اليوغا حيث يوجد العديد من التمارين التي تساعد حوامل على الاسترخاء و التمرين حيث يصبحن اكثر نشاط وحيوية
- حيث توجد 10 تمارين او اكثر لحوامل لتمرين وبين كل تمرين فترة راحه يمكن ان تسترخي وتبدا بعدا تمارين جديدة
- توجد صفحه لحفظ التمارين التي تفضليها ويمكنك اعادتها متى شئت
- يمكنك ضبط ان تضبط منبه وان قوم باعداد فترة الراحه و مستوى صعوبة التمارين
- اتمنى برنامج تدريب يوغا للنساء الحوامل ان يعجبكم وينال رضاكم ومحبتكم